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Your work responsibilities boil down to 2 things, either add value to customers or save cost for the business.
Value to the business is always more important than the latest technical fad. If a feature is done (production
ready) but not deployed to production it is an opportunity loss for the business.

Adopt a painless continuous delivery culture, add more business value [Slides]

Below are the slides of my talk titled "Adopt a painless continuous delivery culture, add more business value" given today at DevOpsDays Portland 2017:

The Slides #

Slides on slideshare

The Video #

The video of the talk is below:

The Abstract #

A continuous delivery of new features definitely adds value to the business, it should be effortless to the tech team too. 5 years back our sys-admin team was in Istanbul and the dev team was in Dubai. Even then changes were shipped periodically but the process was cumbersome. A stable delivery pipeline with tests, continuous integration and small atomic deployments with github flow gives us a leading-edge. The culture of logging and monitoring ingrained in our team helps us move fast. Now, we ask a chatbot to deploy our microservices several times a day to production. In this session, I will unveil details on how you can get started with a smooth continuous delivery pipeline one step at a time.

Conclusion #

The first day of DevOps Days PDX 2017 was pretty impressive. Looking forward to day 2!
